Welcome to Byraits…

The one stop for all of your IT needs.

We are all dealing with the uncertainty around COVID-19

and facing the added challenges of doing business during this time.

In order to ensure all safety precautions are set in place, we provide

excellent technical support to all residential homes, small and medium-sized

businesses with remote support.

We take your safety and health to heart.

Launch Your Business

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Optimized For Speed

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Loved By Many

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Byraits offers you great services to keep your business and home running smoothly.

Desktop Support

Byraits offers a broad range of affordable services to help your company install, integrate, troubleshoot, and manage desktop PCs and mobile devices powered by Windows, Apple macOS/OS X, iOS and Android. Byraits can provide online or onsite assistance for single computers or laptops or help you to plan and carry out a company-wide rollout of new or updated operating system software and business applications. Byraits can also supply engineers and technicians to help your company minimize business disruption while moving to a new site or merging multiple sites.

Home Services

Whether your computer is running slowly or recently crashed, Byraits can help you get back on track. However, we also set up programs like email, configure hardware such as cameras, scanners, printers, and even mobile phones. We service all computer desktop and laptop brands, for both the PC and MAC operating systems.We can rid your computer from viruses,malware and spyware.


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Warehouse Services

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Wired Networking

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Wireless Networking

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With over 20 years’ experience in IT and computer development, the Byraits team brings reliable and affordable IT services to your home or business, with the professional skill and knowledge you expect from a leader in project management and IT solutions.


We would like to hear from you, please drop us a line with any questions you may have.

Contact Info

‪(530) 338-0303‬
Redding, CA